STEAM Toy Library 玩具圖書館

STEAM Toy Library is located at the 1/F, YCCECE Kidsploration Library, No. 2 Tin Wan Hill Road, Tin Wan, Aberdeen. The targets of this service are all local kindergartens that are joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme.

STEAM玩具圖書館位於香港仔田灣山道 2 號「童遊圖書館」(Kidsploration Library),服務對象為參加幼稚園教育計劃的幼稚園。

Objectives 目標

1. By joining the interesting STEAM activities, teachers and parents could be motivated and raised their STEAM interests

2. Provide suitable ECE STEAM educational resources, support the teaching and STEAM activities held by kindergarten workers 

3. Promote daily ECE STEAM, encourage joining the hands-on games & learning with STEAM

How to apply 如何申請

To borrow the STEAM Toy from the YCCECE Library, please click here to complete the online application form.

Alternatively, you can download the application form in DOCX format by clicking here . Please send the completed form to


另外,您也可以點擊此處 下載DOCX格式的申請表。 完成後,請將表格電郵至。

Upon receiving your application, the processing time will be two working days. We will notify you about availability and pickup details. 


Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) and the Vocational Training Council co-organised the three-year Jockey Club ‘CoolPlay’ Project hand in hand. Welcome to click the following information for more details. 想知道更多有關獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,耀中幼教學院 與 職業訓練局共同主辦為期三年的賽馬會「智.幼.趣」的計劃詳情,歡迎瀏覽以下資訊了解︰

Website 網站 :
Facebook 臉書 :
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Tel. 聯絡電話 : +852 3977 9843
WhatsApp : +852 6594 2781
Email 電郵 :