Renewal & Online Request
How to renew borrowed library materials online
- Access the Library Catalogue, Koha, login portal at
- Select College Email Login.
- Log in with your College email account and password.
- Select the checkbox(es) under Renewal for the item(s) you would like to renew and then click Renew selected under the checked out item records. Or, click Renew all. (A library item can be renewed only if a checkbox appears beside the item.)
- A Renewed! label and new due date for the renewed item(s) will be displayed on the screen when the renewal procedure is completed.
- Logout to end the renewal service.
- An email notification will be received 30 minutes after the renewal process is completed.
Notes for the Renewal of Borrowed Library Materials
- Users are advised to renew their loan items online at least one working day before the due date, so that they can return the items to the library in time in case the renewal is unsuccessful.
- A new loan period is calculated from the day the item is renewed. The new due date will not be extended even if an early renewal is made. For example, an item with 14-day loan period is due on the 9th day of the month, if it is renewed on the 6th day, the new due date will be the 20th day instead of the 22nd day.
- Users may renew borrowed items at the self-check machine or the Circulation Counter.
- Most items can be renewed online except if:
- An item is requested by another user
- An item is overdue
- An item has reached the maximum renewal limit
- An item is on 2- or 4-hours loan period
- An item has been declared lost and billed for replacement
- The borrower whose borrowing privilege has been suspended or terminated
- Borrower's account has outstanding charges that exceed the prescribed limit of $700
Online Request
- Academic staff and BEdECE part time students can hold on-shelf and on-loan items via the Library online catalogue.
- Other staff and students can request on-loan items via the Library online catalogue.
- Only the items that fall under these categories can be requested:
- General Collection
- ECE Collection / Children's Books
- AV / Special Collection
- Periodicals (back issues)
- Each user may reserve a maximum of 3 items of library materials in each category.
- An email notification will be sent to alert the user when the item is ready to be picked up at the Circulation Counter.
- On-loan item example: