Release of Education and Youth Research Report: Preparing for the 21st Century Globally Competitive Workforce – Industry-led Standards of Applied Education and Lifelong Learning

Message from Our Hong Kong Foundation


Release of Education and Youth Research Report:

Preparing for the 21st Century Globally Competitive Workforce – Industry-led Standards of Applied Education and Lifelong Learning


I am pleased to inform you that Our Hong Kong Foundation has released its latest report on education on 15 September 2021, titled “Preparing for the 21st Century Globally Competitive Workforce – Industry-led Standards of Applied Education and Lifelong Learning”. We advocate building a lifelong education system that flexibly cater for every individual in every stage of life, and from there cultivate a learning society that helps enhance Hong Kong talents’ long term competitiveness. 

In the face of rapid socio-economic changes of Industry 4.0, and a global race for skilled talents, Hong Kong’s education system is failing to ensure that students are equipped with the skills required to prepare for a dynamic career. In order to help the next generation acquire socially‑relevant knowledge and skills, and maintain their competitive edge, flexible learning opportunities, multiple educational pathways, and lifelong learning have been deemed key policy objectives in various countries. Unfortunately, our education system in Hong Kong is still largely concerned with the schooling of students who have never entered the workplace, leaving out adults in need of education to better equip themselves over the course of their careers.

To help local talents build and maintain their competitiveness, we propose the following three-pronged policy recommendations to enhance Hong Kong’s future development, establish a roadmap for diverse learners, and foster a culture of lifelong learning:


1. Governance: Establishing a policy blueprint to implement industry-led lifelong education that bridges economic, manpower, and skills development

2. Accreditation: Offering diverse and flexible progression pathways through an industry-integrated accreditation system

3. Funding: Building a targeted and future-oriented funding mechanism to support lifelong learning for all


Under the three areas, we have put forward 14 policy recommendations for the Government’s consideration, to build a system that promotes lifelong learning, equip citizens from all walks of life with socially‑relevant knowledge and skills, and thereby support Hong Kong’s sustainable growth. The report can be accessed from the below links:

