Online Dictionaries

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  • ECE Glossary
    • - A quick and simple glossary focused on early childhood education and parenting.
    • LD Online - The educator's guide to learning disabilities and ADHD.

Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records.

Allows you to search across a wide range of electronic reference materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, etc.) covering all subject areas.

provides a 1-stop gateway to reference works published by the Oxford University Press, including dictionaries, companions, and encyclopedias, spanning 25 different subject areas.


The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.

Provides the complete text of the printed version of Oxford English Dictionary, containing obsolete old English words, as well as the broadest possible range of general and specialist vocabulary.

Provides dictionaries on Chinese-English; French-English; German-English; Italian-English; Russian-English; and Spanish-English.

A comprehensive Chinese-English dictionary.[ 一部全面的漢英詞典。]

This is a free internet resource on Translation. An online version of the CD-ROM of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Updated Edition.

中文電子百科 Chinese Encyclopedias

集成了近200家出版社的3000余部工具書,類型包括語文詞典、雙語詞典、專科辭典、百科全書、圖錄、表譜、傳記、語錄、手冊等,約1500萬個條目,70萬張圖片。圖書館有訂購的專題:中醫、中國工具書大辭典、中國古代文學、中國語言文學、現代文學 & 人物志與傳記。

Chinese-language reference sources. The Library subscribes to these subsets: Chinese Medicine, Chinese Reference, Classic Literature, Chinese Language & Literature, Contemporary Literature, and Biographies.

A multidisciplinary Chinese encyclopedia.



中文字典 Chinese Dictionaries


The following 4 free databases were all developed by the Research Centre for Humanities Computingat Chinese University of Hong Kong:



在原有《粵語音韻集成》電子版的基礎上擴充和增強內容, 其中最重要一項是為資料庫中所有漢字審訂讀音,並按每一種讀法配以若干詞例,讓使用者能有效地判別某個漢字於某一讀音下應如何使用。

主 要 取 材 自 香 港 語 言 學 學 會 於 1997 年 出 版 的 《 粵 語 拼 音 字 表 》。 語 音 標 準 以 黃 錫 凌 《 粵 音 韻 彙 》 為 主 , 再 按 順 序 訂 以 周 無 忌、 饒 秉 才 《 廣 州 話 標 準 音 字 彙 》 , 及 李 卓 敏 《 李 氏 中 文 大 字 典 》 收 錄 的 材 料 。


The following free databases were developed by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan




